San Diego County Chairman Ron Roberts Delivers Eight Millionth Meal for Mama’s Kitchen
**Interviews and meal delivery from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.**
WHAT: Mama’s Kitchen, a local, nonprofit meal delivery service for men, women and children affected by AIDS or cancer, will deliver its eight millionth meal with the help of San Diego County Chairman Ron Roberts on Wed., March 30. For over 25 years, Mama’s Kitchen has never turned anyone away eligible for services nor has maintained a waiting list.
WHY: Mama’s Kitchen prepares and delivers three nutritious meals a day, seven days a week at no charge to men, women and children living with AIDS or cancer. In 2015, Mama’s Kitchen delivered, 284,925 meals to 394 San Diegans affected by HIV/AIDS, 70,602 meals to 196 San Diegans affected by cancer, 46,584 meals to 106 children whose parents were affected by HIV/AIDS or cancer.
WHERE: Mama’s Kitchen, 3960 Home Ave., San Diego, CA 92105
(in the Fairmount Park neighborhood of San Diego at the corner of Beech Street and Home Ave.)
WHEN: Wed., March 30, 2016 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
Please arrive at Mama’s Kitchen by 12:30 p.m. for interviews with San Diego County Chairman Ron Roberts and Executive Director Alberto Cortés. From Mama’s Kitchen we will drive to the client’s home nearby for the meal delivery at 1:00 p.m. You will receive directions to the home from the kitchen.
- Mama’s Kitchen state-of-the-art kitchen facility used to prepare hundreds of meals each week. We will have hundreds of bags being packaged by several volunteers to be delivered that day.
- Ron Roberts and Alberto Cortés are delivering the organization’s eight millionth meal to a Mama’s Kitchen client who can provide details on how Mama’s Kitchen has supported his health and recovery.
- San Diego County Chairman Ron Roberts, discussing the impact the organization has made on helping those who are battling AIDS and cancer in San Diego County
- Alberto Cortés, executive director, Mama’s Kitchen can speak to the mission of the organization. He is fluent in both English and Spanish.
Mama’s Kitchen’s was founded in 1990 when volunteers from the AIDS Assistance Fund discovered that many of their clients were becoming too ill to take care of themselves. They realized a reliable home meal delivery service was needed to ensure these individuals would continue to receive nutritious, life-sustaining food. In 2004, Mama’s Pantry was opened to provide individuals with HIV/AIDS who are able to prepare meals the opportunity to supplement their nutritional needs. During the past 25 years, Mama’s Kitchen has served nearly eight million meals and has never turned away a client who qualified for our services. Our commitment to our clients remains unchanged and today the organization has expanded its service to San Diegans affected by either AIDS or cancer. Mama’s Kitchen provides three meals a day, for every day of the year, free of charge, to approximately 350 men, women, and children in San Diego County. Learn more and make a donation at www.mamaskitchen.org. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.
Suzy Garcia / Sandra De La Torre
(702) 883-2077 / (619) 764-0406 (text okay)
suzy@scatenadaniels.com / sandra@scatenadaniels.com
(not for publication or broadcast)