If you are in need of immediate food assistance, please dial 2-1-1 from your phone, and an operator will find your nearest food distribution site. Calls are free, confidential, multilingual and available 24-hours a day.
Make a one-time donation or become a monthly donor
3960 Home Avenue
San Diego, CA 92105
p: 619.233.6262
f: 619.233.6283 Map / Directions
Funded in part by the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) through the County of San Diego Health & Services Administration (HRSA) and Community Development Block Grants (CDBG)
We are closely monitoring the Border 2 fire and will provide further updates as the situation develops. Currently, there are no changes to our service. If you are unable to receive your delivery please call or text us at (619) 314-5789.