Mama’s Kitchen would like to thank the Medtronic Foundation for their generous support of our Home-Delivered Meal Service. The Medtronic Foundation has provided a two-year Health Access Grant in the amount of $50,000 to Mama’s Kitchen in recognition of our continued commitment to improve access to healthcare in San Diego County. This contribution will provide vital nourishment to our neighbors affected by HIV/AIDS or cancer.
The Medtronic Foundation, Medtronic’s philanthropic arm, focuses on supporting health and health access initiatives in communities where Medtronic employees live and give. Meal delivery services are an important component of healthcare management for individual affected by AIDS or cancer. Individuals who receive medically tailored meal deliveries are more likely to keep regularly scheduled doctor visits, more closely adhere to medication plans, and maintain essential weight during treatment.
In addition to their tremendous financial commitment, volunteers from Medtronic Carlsbad recently gave their time to help out in our kitchen. Volunteers prepared vegetable and snack bags for our next day’s meal deliveries. Thank you again to Medtronic Carlsbad and the Medtronic Foundation!!!