Type of Planned Gift: IRA Beneficiary Designation
What was the single most important consideration in your decision?
Being committed to the mission of Mama’s Kitchen I wanted to insure that my financial support of the organization continued after my passing.
When you think of Mama’s Kitchen, what key words or phrases come to your mind?
(1) Improved health through nutrition
(2) Provide a much needed service at no cost
(3) Strong volunteer base
Why do you give to Mama’s Kitchen?
Mama’s Kitchen provides a critical service to a very special population; until there is a cure there will continue to be that need. I consider myself to be very fortunate on so many levels: family, friends and to some degree financial success. My ability to channel those “prizes” to an organization like Mama’s Kitchen is, in and of itself, a reward. To introduce individuals for the first time to the Kitchen is like embracing a new family member. To be able to support the organization as both a donor and a volunteer is extremely satisfying – almost selfishly so!
What prompted you to make your estate gift?
My legacy gift was made several years ago, when I realized that I would actually have an estate! The only way to insure it would be used for efforts that I support was to document those intentions.