Fiscal Year 2017 Statistics
July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2017
Home Delivered Hot Meal Service

Our Home Delivered Hot Meal Service provided 317,778 meals to 586 individuals affected by HIV or cancer including minor dependent children in fiscal year (FY) 2017. 79% of these individuals were affected by HIV/AIDS and 20% by cancer. The minor dependent children of our HIV/AIDS clients equaled 6% and those of our cancer clients 9%.
The following statistics represent a snapshot of our Home Delivered Hot Meal Service clients who received daily meals in FY 2017.
Meal Container and Food Cost Per Meal as of Fiscal Year End (June 30, 2017): $2.92
Pantry Service
Our Pantry Service provides a no cost shopping opportunity to members of the HIV/AIDS community who are able to prepare meals but benefit from a monthly supplement to their nutritional needs.
We served 630 Pantry clients in FY 2017 who received the equivalent of 88,671 meals. Our Pantry had 5,142 visits during this time period.
Cost per Pantry visit $19.85
Employees & Volunteers
Full-time Employees-10
Part-time Employees-3
Volunteer Hours-31,207
Value of volunteer time: $ 888,151.22*
*Per Independent Sector CA 2014 (most recent available), the value of one volunteer hour equals $28.46
Since our beginning in 1990, Mama’s Kitchen has prepared and delivered over 8,000,000 meals.